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Return to Me
Ash Wednesday begins with “dust and ashes.” This service marks the beginning of our holy season of Lent. We step intentionally into that which is broken and torn – a space in which we learn to be vulnerable again so that we may return as we journey into the very heart of God.
God’s Generous Heart
As the first Sunday of Lent arrives, we find ourselves at a border with the ancient Israelites in our reading from Deuteronomy. We are standing on the edge of the wilderness, looking with great anticipation toward the Promised Land.
This week, we turn our gaze upward, aspiring to imitate our Creator, the source of our promise, our dreams, and our guiding star along our Lenten pathway.
Tradition compels us to think of Lent as a time of self-denial, intense introspection, and contemplation. This season sets itself apart as a time of fasting from the luxurious and indulgent. A boisterous feast at God’s table is the last thing that we would expect to see embodied in the words of our lectionary Scripture for this week.
Coming Together
We have embarked on a “journey of the heart,” walking these Lenten days toward resurrection. We are just over halfway through Lent in this fourth week. Our journey is about embracing transformation, new possibilities, and new life.
Making a New Thing
For the people of God, our one thing is resurrection – the movement from death to new life. We practice resurrection as a church and as individuals all the time, or at least we should.
This week, we emerge from our wilderness wanderings and find ourselves caught up in a parade, a party, a procession of palms! It has been a long journey to arrive at the gates of Jerusalem, where Jesus will make his grand entry into the heart of political power and religious authority.
Serving Love
Maundy Thursday is a time of intimate connection between Jesus and his disciples. It is a time when Jesus celebrated his last Passover and washed his disciples’ feet—a true example of serving love and a demonstration of the heart of Christ.
The Thirst of God
This day, Good Friday, the day of crucifixion, is the most dramatic demonstration of the lengths that God will go to for us. In saying, from the cross, “I thirst,” Jesus demonstrated his humanity in his agony and showed how far God was willing to go to save us, reach out to us, and have us as we are. We come to church this day thirsting for God; God also comes thirsting for us!
Easter Vigil
Join us at 8 pm as we recount the story of creation and redemption in this historic service of the Christian church.
Our Lenten journey has ended, and we have finally made it to Easter! Every year, we are asked to tell the same story over and over: a gaping tomb, confused mourners, unexpected and unbelievable encounters with angels, and a gardener.