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The Golden Rule in scripture challenges us to engage in conversation and seek to create whatever common good we can with our relatives, friends, and neighbors whom we might consider to be on the “other side” politically and ideologically. As we attempt to come together, the idea is not that we are obliterating either one or trying to change each other, but rather, we discover the beauty that can be created when we work together to make the world a better place. The “purple space” is where we cultivate kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love for one another and for the good of all the world, no matter what.
· Be intentional about smiling more and groaning less.
· Spend quality time with someone.
· Spend at least one day a week doing random acts of kindness.
· Offer assistance to someone having a difficult time.
· Be aware of those around you. See someone upset? Respond by offering an encouraging word.
· Use the button below to donate to UMCOR for hurricane disaster relief.
· Consider what it means to live a lifestyle thinking about others before thinking of yourself.
· Let someone waiting ahead of you in line.
· Compliment someone to someone else – in front of them.
· Offer kind words to persons you know who hold differing opinions than yourself.
· Speak up in a conversation if others are being disrespectful.
· Make eye contact when speaking with someone – especially if you don’t agree with them.
· Start and end your day with one expression of gratitude.
· Give others your full attention if they are speaking to you. That may mean putting your phone down.
· Tell someone what you love about them.